Nigeria’s Top CPA Affiliate Marketer Reveals...

The Exact Marketing System Drop Box used to Build a 12 BILLION DOLLAR EMPIRE in Less than One Year…

And Exactly HOW you can harness this same System to Make $1,000…$2,000 and even $5000+ Monthly Without Selling to a Single Soul Ever Again

You'd be able to say F*CK OFF to the Haters and Mockers who LAUGH at you because you cannot sell

Watch The Video Below


Absolutely Nobody is talking about this!!!

Me with the Founder of NairaBet- Mr Akin Alabi

Me with One of the Top Most Influential Affiliate Marketers in Nigeria- Mr Tamilore Adewuyi

Dear Friend,

This marketing system I’m about to reveal has made me and my students collectively over 20 Million Naira

This is just a Little proof from one of my students so you know I’m not joking:

So Pay close attention while I break down exactly how this works so you can understand properly

I Always Hated Trying To Make People Buy And I Still Do

Like you and a lot of other people…

I always hated selling and convincing people to buy

And I think this was why I sucked at the normal affiliate marketing everyone does…

You know that one where you generate leads and try to get them to buy your stuff before you earn a single dime of commission?

Yes, that's the one I'm talking about.

I began the normal affiliate marketing a lot of Nigerians are into these days…

And I totally sucked at it

I would generate leads and I wouldn't know HOW to convert them…

I would run ads that bombed…

I would jump on calls with prospects all with the hopes of getting them to buy…

BUT at the end of the day…

It would end up being a total waste of time.

I thought I was just an outright failure and I was doomed to never make money online

But that was until I discovered:

Cost Per Lead Affiliate Marketing

The exact same caliber of affiliate marketing that had made me over 20 Million naira in 10 Months

I discovered that I didn't have to beg anyone to buy what I was selling

All I had to do was get them to perform some form of simple action…

And I would get paid in dollars

They didn't have to spend money before I made money…

All they had to do was follow a simple instruction and perform pretty simple tasks that anyone could do

And I would get paid instantly

It was Insane!

My mind was blown the night I heard about this form of affiliate marketing from the guy who introduced it to me

I started doing it and I went on to earn over 20 million Naira in Commission in just 9 months and my students are using the same blueprint to make hundreds of dollars for themselves. (some are also doing thousands as you'll see later)

Some proof below

$5,000 in 3 Months


What is this Cost Per Lead Affiliate Marketing?

(Also known as CPL Marketing)

Let me explain:

CPL Marketing is a form of affiliate marketing in which you get paid per lead. (As the name suggests)


These leads you get DO NOT need to spend a dime or buy anything from you…

All they have to do is perform a simple task.

A simple task like:

-submitting their email address

-Starting a FREE Trial on a site

-creating and verifying a FREE account

And once they do this…

Cha ching…

You get paid…

Money in the Bank!

And I’m speaking dollars here…

Hundreds and Thousands of dollars

So you understand better…

Let me give you an illustration…

So let’s say for instance Netflix has a CPL deal and they pay you $20 for everyone that signs up for a free trial

All you have to do is get people to put in their name and email address…

And once they do so…

You get paid ASAP

I am currently promoting a weight loss program, for every one that starts a free trial I get paid $10.

There is another a flight service for every email signups…

I get paid $5!!!


Drop Box used this strategy to grow to a $12 Billion Company in their first year

Let me give another illustration;

Now Expertnaire is an affiliate platform…

And to get access and be an affiliate on Expertnaire it is 10k Naira per year subscription.

Let’s assume that the price for subscription on Expertnaire is 20k.

Now Expertnaire being generous gives a 14days trial to test out their platform to know if you like it or not.

Now, if you start the 14 days trial you will get access to the platform you work with it…

If you like it you start your subscription after 14 days, if you don’t you cancel free trial and WON’T get charged.

Now imagine for once, if Expertnaire had a CPL program that says, for every person you get to start a free trial they pay you $25.

They don’t have to pay, just convince them to signup for a free trial.

crazy right??

Now I have a question for you:

How much do you think you will be able to make from this program?

I don’t know about you but this is something that can make you up to

$20k in 4 months as a beginner

Now this is exactly how CPL works.

If you generate just 20 leads, that’s $25*20=$500
$500*710= 355,000 naira.

This is with just 20 leads!

Imagine the amount of leads that you can easily generate as you don’t have to compel anyone to buy anything!

It’s free so you can get people in, people love free things, love testing out services for FREE.

You Can Take Your Loved ones on Vacations to Places Like Dubai… Seychelles…with the Amount of Money you make from this

I’m still excited about CPL like I was the first day I heard about it


This is the same system some of my students are using to make hundreds of dollars, thousands of dollars.

And I want to hand you the exact secrets I handed them

So you Can start creating wealth for yourself and loved ones…

You’d be able to say F*CK Off to the Haters and Naysayers who mock you because you cannot sell

This is LEGIT and Hundreds of people are already making millions of Naira with this exact system I just shared with you

That’s why I created…

The CPL Marketing Success Course


The Exact Same System I use to earn monthly in dollars without begging anyone to buy…

There is no magic here, it’s just access to knowledge that can change your life


The CPL Marketing Success Course would show you how to begin earning in dollars right away in 24 Hours

$20k before the year runs out

$70 in 2 days

What's inside (Revealed)

(Tap on each tab to expand)

And How To Set up Your own CPL MARKETING SYSTEM

Every Tool and Strategy you’d be needing to get started earning in less than 24 hours

I’d be showing you HOW I dig up these deals that pay me as high as $30 for a single email sign up

You’d have the ability to choose from a variety I would be showing you..

Here is where I break down the best niches where you can earn the most money in CPL Marketing

…you really need guidance here

How to Create a Side Income out of CPL MARKETING and make a fortune from it without stress

There are secrets to this game…

And most CPL Marketing Platforms have strict rules that restrict just anyone from signing up

Because these are high ticket deals and they don’t want so much people on

I’ll show you how to get approved by these advertisers into their program

Here I’ll show you when exactly how I promote my CPL deals and earn commission in dollars without spending a dime of ads

This is pretty simple.

You’d get all my Frameworks and Templates that have made me over 20 Million Naira

This is very easy and I’d be showing you how YOU can make a consistent $100 to $200+ every single day

This is the fastest way to make a lot of money using CPL

You’d learn how to grow a list from scratch and then get them to perform these simple tasks that make you consistent dollars

My Friend Chianu Solomon (Oxide) has created a special section that shows you how to can set up your CPL Marketing Campaign and earn even while you sleep…

With Email Campaigns.

The Content you create is the crux of how you make money here…I’ll be teaching you SIMPLE content tactics you can employ EASILY

I’d give you access to some of my current deals so you can make your first $50 to $100 in just few hours…

(You can bet on this)

With all the restrictions of running a dollar business in Nigeria…I’d be showing you how to process your payments easily without any restrictions whatsoever

I would hold your hand so you don’t make mistakes and we will would have regular sessions where I update you on the LATEST CPL deals you can use to make money

Along with motivation and support from other members of my support group

People who are ahead of you and making tons of money can share their exact strategy and knowledge with you so no one is left behind


And Honestly a lot more is what you’d be getting when you sign up for CPL MARKETING SUCCESS Today.

Is that all?

Definitely not…

There is still an update section where I would be dropping NEW and LUCRATIVE Deals that you can jump on and earn more dollars for little to NO work…

I pay very heavily for the information I would be sharing with you here…

I’m talking $1000-$2000+ just to lay my hands on what I’d be dropping in this section

Also there are BONUSES

Bonus Section

•Free advertising Copy Swipe File from Copy Hut

You’ll get a range of short copy written to…

You literally have nothing to lose

You Really Don't Want To Let All These Go

The information in this course is not mainstream YET…

That means:

A lot of people do not know about it

BUT not for long.

Nigerians are always sure to catch up on what is working…

And when they discover this…

You want to have milked as much money as possible already…

Before the market becomes saturated.

How much is this worth to you?

An extra $500 , $700 every week without selling a hair pin

How much is it worth to you

Isn't it worth paying $30 $50 Even $100 For?

For the chance to never struggle to sell to anyone again EVER…

You’d be able to earn huge just by telling people to perform simple tasks without using salesy tactic that make pople say I’ll get back to you

I’m handing all this to you for just a measely price of 30,000 Naira

That’s less than the price of even your first earning from this

Just for you to taste this opportunity

The Price Would NOT Remain The Same for Long

You won’t have the opportunity to get in at this price for long

The Value of this is insane and I would be increasing the price very soon

Let’s walk this Path Together

It’s time to start proving those doubters and mockers wrong and showing them who is the boss

Let me be your sensei on this journey and show you the crazy possibilities in this space.

You can decide to close this page and continue on with your life like you never had this opportunity…

And that is very fine if you still want to remain where you have always been.

But if you’re tired of struggling and having sleepless nights just to make a little money each month…

and you want to be able to make enough money to prove haters wrong…take charge of your own life...

and create wealth for yourself and your loved ones…

This would surely transform your life…

If you’re interested…

Click the BUY NOW button and let’s get started

My Insane 30 Days Money Back Guarantee

I don’t want to leave you in the open, it comes with a 30 days money back guarantee,

YES! You will be refunded 100% of your money if you apply everything in this course and still don’t get results within 30 days.

You literally have nothing to lose.

What else are you waiting for?

Why You Should Listen To Me

My name is Olamide Orija, I am CPA marketing expert and an information marketer.

With this business model, In 2021 alone I did over $170,000 in transactions, became a landlord even before the age of 21

This has made me a landlord before the age of 21

Proof of some properties I have bought

I have been able to network with people of high calibre, infact network with people who have direct access to companies controlling billions of dollars such as A16Z which now I am in communication with to boost up my startup

I have been able to mentor and teach over 400 students who have collectively made multiple millions of naira, teaching them how to make thousands of dollars by making people perform simple actions and getting paid.

All of these didn’t just happen in a day, back in 2017, I was like every regular student, who had a lot of dreams but was always limited because of lack of funds to push it.

I started OLAD( my startup) with my partner, it only lasted for 6 months before dying because there was no money to keep the idea going.

I didn’t give up, I started learning different skills online, using YouTube and some courses, I was making some money but I knew this wasn’t enough, I won’t be able to fund my dream by making just peanuts, I wanted more.

It was in this quest I stumbled upon this business model and it changed the whole game for me.

My life literally transformed.

Now just like you, you have a lot of dreams, things you aspire to become, where you want to travel to, ideas you want to bring to life, parents to take care, but YOU DON’T HAVE THE MONEY TO FUND IT


$500 in just 7 days