How to start a laundry business without the necessary equipment, such as washing machine, dryer and a generator

How i started a laundry business without a generator, an electric iron
and some other necessary equipment like a dryer, washing machine
is still a mystery to the people around me.

Hello there, I am Amena Ufuoma. I am from delta state, Nigeria. I run and oversee a laundry business in the town of warri. I am a songwriter. one of the thing i love about myself is the desire for innovation and growth, especially in the life's of young one's.

I felt a lot of joy, when I discover that I can start up a laundry business without having the major equipment (tools). A lots of people didn't believe me, some said i am lost and trying to be a genius that i am not. I was told i was crazy. This method i discovered uncovers a whole lots about life and laundry business to me. It was from this technique i became my own boss with four staffs working with me. Exercising and maximizing this technique sky rocketed my financial life.

When I first came into the laundry business, I knew nothing about it. And it was so frustrating, no guide, no experience. And to be honest with you all, I suffer a lots. I was treated so badly. I was in an area were laundry business was rampant, and the competition there was like that of a tournament. Imagine me a new kid in the block without no experience in the laundry business. I was left behind, i witness a lot of shocking events were by I saw people carrying a lots of cloths to other laundry shop, and most times when I tried to beg them to patronize me, thier respond was heart breaking.

some of their responses are:

*I want to give my sister to wash it.
*I want to give it out as a gift to my friend
*I want to take it to my friend place and wash it with its washing machine.
*You will spoil my cloths
*I don't want my cloths to get lost
*I don't want my cloths to be burnt while u iron them
*You can't handle my cloths to my taste and satisfaction.

Starting a laundry business without essential equipment like a generator, an electric iron, a dryer, or even a washing machine might seem like trying to swim without water. It's unconventional, it's daring, and to some, it's downright mysterious. But for me, it was a challenge I was willing to take on, a puzzle waiting to be solved. When I decided to venture into the laundry business, I knew I didn't have all the traditional tools of the trade at my disposal. However, I refused to let that deter me. Instead of dwelling on what I didn't have, I focused on what I could do with what I did have. First, I embraced the power of innovation. I scoured the internet and talked to experts to learn about alternative methods of cleaning and pressing clothes without relying on electricity. I discovered age-old techniques that had been largely forgotten in our modern world of convenience. For washing clothes, I turned to the ancient practice of handwashing. With the right detergents and a bit of elbow grease, I found that I could achieve results that rivaled those of a washing machine. It was labor-intensive, yes, but it was also surprisingly effective. As for drying, I took advantage of nature's resources. I set up clotheslines in my backyard and made use of sunny days to air dry the clothes. On rainy days, I improvised with indoor drying racks and fans to expedite the process. Pressing clothes without an electric iron was perhaps the biggest challenge. But again, I refused to be stumped. Running a laundry business without some of the standard equipment meant that I had to manage expectations. Surprisingly, many were willing to give my services a try, intrigued by the novelty of it all. As time went on, word started to spread about my unconventional approach to laundry. People marveled at how I managed to turn a seemingly impossible situation into a thriving business. And while the mystery of my success may never be fully unraveled, one thing became clear: where there's a will and a bit of creativity, there's always a way.

Above all insult and trials i face starting the laundry business, i turned out to be successful in it.
Let me show you some of the feedback i recieve from my customers using this technique i will be teaching you in this course.

see below the screenshot of some customer payment

What you will learn inside this course

1. Accountability: Teaching you on how to take good account of cloths, so that you no the numbers of cloths that comes to your store.

2. Washing of Clothes: There is a technique used in washing of cloths in laundry firm that distinguish it from house washing.

3. Washing of Duvies: There is also a technique used in washing of duvies that makes it more easier and simple.

4. Washing of Center Rugs:There is also a technique used in washing of center rug that makes it simple and comes out
brighter as if I was just bought.

5. Starching of Clothes:This is one of the important field in laundry business also, am going to take you through on how to starch
all kinds of cloths and their color without having spots on them all.

6. Ironing of Clothes:This so important, as a person going into the laundry business, you need this more. Because how you iron cloths
shows how good you are in your work. And they are different types of cloths and am going to teach you how to iron all types of cloth suites, native etc.

7. Packaging of Duvies:This is to teach you on how to package duvies without stress, making it looks beautiful and full of excellent.

8. Packaging of Clothes:This is the final part of it all, in here am going to teach how to package all kinds of clothes.

Purchase the course at the rate of N25,000